Salter Path, NC

Located in the middle of Bogue Banks at its narrowest part...

Salter Path, NC Real Estate and Homes for Sale

If you're looking for homes for sale in Salter Path or condos for sale in Salter Path, then you've come to the best website! Please use our free Carteret County MLS Search to browse and save listings for Southern Outer Banks real estate for sale! You can find all homes and condos for sale in Indian Beach on this website.

In addition to homes and condos, use this site to find commercial property for sale or lease on Salter Path, timeshares in Salter Path, boat slips and everything in between. We recommend signing up to be a Market Insider - it's a great way to stay up to date on market statistics and information on all of the real estate for sale in Indian Beach.

Follow the link to find information on the Carteret County school system, and be sure to check out the Crystal Coast Visitor's Guide for a list of local vendors and family activties on Indian Beach!

The inventory of Salter Path homes for sale changes all the time, so be sure to come back to us everyday and sign up for Crystal Coast Home Search Listing Alerts to see the newest listings and price changes. We are the best site to find Salter Path for sale!

Seach Salter Path, NC Homes and Condos for Sale by Neighborhood

Colony By The Sea     Grand Villas at the Preserve     Kiawa     None     Ocean Club

Salter Path     Sandpiper Village     Sea Gull Shores     Sea Isle Plantation     Summerwinds

The Nautical Club     Tradewinds     Windward Dunes

About the Neighborhood

Great schools
Great for retirees
Car is needed
It's walkable to restaurant
Parking is easy
It's dog friendly
Kids play outside
Beach life
Beach Access
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