Cape Carteret, NC

Bordering the ICW and Croatan National Forest

Cape Carteret Real Estate and Homes for Sale ~ Cape Carteret, North Carolina

You've come to the best site to look at homes and condos for sale in Cape Carteret! Here you can browse and save listings on the most comprehensive free MLS search for Carteret County real estate and Carteret County homes for sale.

You can find all of Cape Carteret real estate for sale and for lease -- commercial, land, and residental property all right here. Sign up to be a Market Insider and receive up to the date statistics and information about the Cape Carteret real estate market.

Follow this link for information on the Carteret County school system, and check out the Visitor's Guide to the Crystal Coast for a list of local vendors and family activities in Cape Carteret!

Check out the most updated List of Foreclosures in Cape Carteret.

Everyday the inventory on the MLS for Cape Carteret property changes, so make sure to visit us daily or sign up for Crystal Coast Home Search Listing Alerts! We are the best site to find Cape Carteret for sale.


Search Cape Carteret Homes for Sale and Lease by Neighborhood

Ardan Oaks      Bay Shore Park      Bayshore Park      Berger-Holland      Bluewater Cove

Breezy Point      Cape Point      Cedar Creek Estates      Coldwater Creek      Country Club Point

Country Terrace      Deer Creek      Deer Haven      Duck Crossing      Eli's Landing

Emerald Estate      Five Aprils Plantation      Fox Forest      Godby Estates      Hadnot Creek

Hidden Bay      Hummingbird Hill      Hunting Bay      Magens Bay      None      Ocean Spray

Pettiford Bay      Pettiford Park       Pettiford Point      Piner      Piners Park      Plantation Shores

Quailwood Acres      Quailwood Village      River Creek Landing      River Oaks Marina

River Oaks Plantation      Rolling Hill Estate      Silver Bluff      Silver Creek

Silver Creek Plantation      Silver Lake      Silver Lakes Subdivision      Southwinds Estate

Star Hill      Star Hill North      Steep Hill Estates      Tara Pines      Walnut Place    

White Horse Ridge      White Oak Bluff      Woodbridge

About the Neighborhood

There are community events
Neighbors are friendly
Great schools
Car is needed
There are sidewalks
Parks and playgrounds
It's dog friendly
Kids play outside
Great nightlife
Beach life
Walking / Hiking trails
Minutes to Emerald Isle Beach
Croatan School District
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