Emerald Isle, NC

Emerald Isle, North Carolina - the "Gem" of the Crystal Coast

Emerald Isle Real Estate and Homes for Sale

Emerald Isle PorchIt doesn't surprise us that so many summer visitors decide to look for homes for sale on Emerald Isle and condos for sale on Emerald Isle, because it is a beautiful place to live! This website offers great tools for anyone searching for Emerald Isle real estate for sale - we have it all! You can browse and save all Emerald Isle listings on our free Crystal Coast MLS search.

Here, buyers can search all Emerald Isle for sale and Emerald Isle for rent - from commercial listings to land to boat slips and everything in between. It's also a great idea to sign up to be a Market Insider for updated statistics and information on the Emerald Isle real estate market.

Check here for information about the Carteret County school system, and be sure to check out the Visitor's Guide to the Crystal Coast for a list of local vendors and family activities on Emerald Isle!

Click here for the most comprehensive List of Foreclosures in Emerald Isle.

What's for sale in Emerald Isle changes all of the time, so come back to us every day or sign up for Crystal Coast Home Search Listing Alerts. We are the best site for Emerald Isle, NC for sale!


Search Emerald Isle Homes and Condos for Sale by Neighborhood

Archers Creek     Archers Point     Bell Cove Estates     Bell Cove Heights     Bell Cove Village

Bluewater Banks     Bluewater Bay     Cape Emerald     Columbus Square     Daisywood

Deerhorn Dunes    Dogwood Acres     Dolphin Ridge     Emerald Bay Villas

Emerald Cove Condominiums     Emerald Isle by the Sea      Emerald Landing

Emerald Plantation     Forest Hills     Forrest Hills     Holly Point    Island Shores

Jefferson Place     Krystal Villas     Lands End     Marlin Point     Marsh Cove     Mayfair Square

None     North Beach     Oakland Hills     Ocean Crest     Ocean Drive CND     Ocean Forest

Ocean Oaks     Ocean Reef     Old Cove     Osprey Bluff     Osprey Ridge     Pebble Beach

Pelican Point     Pier Pointe     Piney Creek     Piney Point     Point Emerald Villas

Pointe Bogue     Quail Ridge     Queens Court     Rock Point     Royal Oaks     Royall Oaks

Sea Crest     Sea Dunes     Sea Oats     Sea Watch     Shell Cove     Shell Cove North

Shorewood     Sound of the Sea     South Beach     Spinnakers Landing     Spinnakers Reach

Stillwater Cove     Sunset Harbor     Sunset Landing     Surf Landing Cove     Surf Side

The Islander Suites     The Point     The Sands     Vista Azul Condo     W.B. Mclean Estates

Water Cove     Watersedge     West End    Windfall North     Windfall South     Wyndtree


About the Neighborhood

There are community events
Neighbors are friendly
Great schools
Great for retirees
Car is needed
It's walkable to restaurant
Streets are well-lit
Parks and playgrounds
It's dog friendly
Great nightlife
Beach life
Walking / Hiking trails
Public Beach Access
Public Sound Access
Bike Path
Bogue Pier
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