Richlands, NC

Named for it's "Rich" Land!

Richlands is a community that is growing while maintaining its focus on the small-town history and feel of the community. Located to the west of Jacksonville, NC - the Richlands community is convenient to New River Station and Camp Lejeune. 

Here are some interesting things you may not know about the Town of Richlands.

  • Incorporated on March 29, 1880.
  • First town in the county to have its own library and museum. (Home of the Onslow County Museum.)
  • First town in the county to have a female mayor -Annette Hargett.
  • Excellent schools
  • Geographic high point of the county.
  • Home to the last standing WPA structure in the county, the Richlands Community Building, which was built in 1935.
  • Final resting place of John Williams Shackelford, the first Congressmen from Onslow County to represent the 3rd district.
  • Historic district with many turn of the century homes.
  • Two active civic groups: the Richlands Rotary Club & the Richlands Ruritan Club

About the Neighborhood

There are community events
Neighbors are friendly
Great schools
Car is needed
Easy commutes
Parking is easy
Parks and playgrounds
It's quiet
It's dog friendly
Kids play outside
Beach life
Walking / Hiking trails
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