MCAS Cherry Point, NC

Marine Corps Air Station Cherry Point - Homes and Apartments For Sale and for Rent

If you are PCSing to MCAS Cherry Point and are looking to purchase or rent property off base, you can find everything that is available right at this site!

Because our search encompasses ALL SIX counties surrounding MCAS Cherry Point, you can find every MLS listing available from Craven, Carteret, Onslow, Pamlico, Jones, and even Pender County. You can find your dream property as close to, or as far away from base as you would like.

Popular places to live in Craven County are Havelock, New Bern, and Bridgeton.

Popular places in Carteret County are Newport, Morehead City, Beaufort, Cape Carteret, Atlantic Beach, and Emerald Isle.

Many Marines who also frequent Camp Lejeune and MCAS New River chose to live in the many wonderful towns between Havelock and Jacksonville, such as Swansboro, Cedar Point, and Maysville.

If you would like to speak with a specialist about what town, neighborhood, or area would work best for you and/or your family, please call our Military Transition Specialist, Dawn Strang, at (800) 523-2907. We can assist you will all aspects of your move, and look forward to helping you as you arrive at MCAS Cherry Point!

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