Havelock, NC

Home of Cherry Point MCAS

Havelock Real Estate ~ Havelock, North Carolina

If you're looking for homes for sale in Havelock, condos for sale in Havelock, or long term rentals in Havelock, then you have come to the right site! Here you can browse through and save all listings on our free Craven County MLS search.

If you are PCSing and looking for homes near MCAS Cherry Point this site will have them all. If you'd like a Military Transition Specialist to assist you with your move, please call our office directly at (800) 523-2907.

Any Havelock homes for sale - or for that matter, Havelock land and Havelock commercial properties as well, can be found and filtered through our search engine to fit your needs. Sign up to be a Market Insider to have the most updated statistics on the Havelock real estate market.

Check here for information on the Craven County school system, and follow the link below for information on local vendors and family activities along the Crystal Coast.

Click here for a List of Havelock Foreclosures.

We're the best site to find Havelock for sale, and because the inventory changes daily, be sure to sign up for Crystal Coast Home Search Listing Alerts!

Search Havelock Homes and Condos for Sale by Neighborhood

306 Estates    Adams Creek    Adams View    Baytreee Landing    Blades Village    Brookstone

Bryan Landing    Bryans Havelock Pk    Cameron Village    Castle Downs    Cedar Ridge

Cherry Acres    Cherry Branch    Cherry Branch S    Cherry Branch W    Cherry Ridge

Christopher Down    Church Road East    Church Road West    Club Foot Creek    Coaches Creek

College Park    Countryside Homesteads    Cypress Bay    Don Lee Heights    Eastwood Square

Fisher Town Landing    Forest Hills    Fulshire Plantation    Godfrey Creek Estates    Godwin

Greenfield Heights    Havelock Park    Heather Glen    Heritage Farms    Heritage Square

Highfield    Hillcrest    Hills    Hills Acres    Hills of Foxcroft    Homeport    Hunters Landing

Hunters Ridge    Indian Hills    Indian Trail    Indian Trails    Industrial Park    JC Godwin

Jerrett Estates    Kelly Park    Ketner Heights    Long Creek Estate    Lynnwayne

MacDonald Downs    Maple Farms    Marbeth Park    Marmann Terrace    Marsh Harbor

Mitchell Harbor    Neuse Point East    None    Paradise Cove    Pine Acres    Pinevilla

Pinevilla Townhouses   Plantation Harbor    Quail Hollow    Quail Ridge    Riversedge    Royal Pines

Sandy Grove    Sherwood Forest    Slocum Woods    Smallwood    South Forest

Southern Terrace    Stonebridge    Stonebridge Land    Taylor    The Moorings    Timber Ridge

Tryon Park    Tucker Creek    Tucker Creek Wood    Turner Creek Woods    Twinwood of Havelock

Villa Park    Village Green at MacDonalds Downs    Village Park    Waterways Edge

Waterways Edge II    Westbrooke    Wolfcreek    Woodhaven

About the Neighborhood

There are community events
Car is needed
Easy commutes
Parking is easy
Yards are well-kept
Parks and playgrounds
It's dog friendly
Kids play outside
Beach life
Walking / Hiking trails
Cherry Point Marine Corps
Minutes to Beaches
Close to New Bern
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